Friday, September 12, 2014


Well, it's been a week since I have updated this blog.   I am doing very well.  I have been cleared to walk on a tread mill and have been doing 20 minute walks. I have transitioned from a liquid diet to a mushy diet. I am finding that as long as I follow the doctors instruction and pay attention to eating slower and listening to my body and stopping when I am satisfied that I feel great. I have been experimenting with different soft foods and with different seasonings and staying away from a lot of sodium and sugar. One of my favorites to eat is cottage cheese with peach sauce.  Yesterday I made some chicken breast, potatoes and carrots with ranch dressing seasoning mix.  I will be eating some of that for either lunch or dinner today.  I am now in search of the right protein mix. SO all in all I am doing very well. I have no pain or any other complications. I am now 23 days post op.

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